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Learning in Dynamical Models
[ODE and PDE estimation and inference, Optimization dynamics]
(Note: student author; * corresponding author.)
On large batch training and sharp minima: A Fokker-Planck perspective. [journal][reprint][preprint][older version]
Xiaowu Dai and Yuhua Zhu.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice (JSTP), special issue on "Advances in Deep Learning", 2020.
Xiaowu Dai and Lexin Li.
Journal of the American Statistical Association: Theory and Methods (JASA), 2022. [lead article]
Xiaowu Dai* and Lexin Li.
Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 2024.
Nonparametric estimation via partial derivatives. [pdf]
Xiaowu Dai.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (JRSSB), 2024. [lead article]
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